Porphyrins for

Il y a 3 mois

Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France ENS de Lyon Temps plein


phosphonate-substituted porphyrins for efficient and scalable visible light photocatalysis

  • Réf
  • Sujet de Thèse 12/02/2024
  • Contrat doctoral
  • ENS de Lyon
  • Lieu de travail
  • Lyon
  • Auvergne-RhôneAlpes
  • France
  • Intitulé du sujet
  • Octa.beta.phosphonatesubstituted porphyrins for efficient and scalable visible light photocatalysis
  • Champs scientifiques
  • Chimie
  • Mots clés multistep synthesis, coordination chemistry, hybride materials, porphyrin, photocatalyse
    Description du sujet:
  • Plus d'informations sur le sujet sur le site de l'université :
    Prise de fonction:
  • 01/10/2024
    Nature du financement:
  • Contrat doctoral

Précisions sur le financement:

Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil:

  • ENS de Lyon
  • The _Laboratoire de Chimie de l'ENS de Lyon_
    (LCH) directed by Pr. S. Parola develops interdisciplinary researches at the frontiers with material sciences, biology, and physics. The research themes cover a deep expertise in experimental chemistry (organic, inorganic and materials synthesis) together with characterization and modeling. Located at the heart of territories equipped with very large research infrastructures, the Laboratoire de Chimie of ENS de Lyon has a wide range of academic and industrial partners in France, Europe, and internationally.
  • The supervision of the PhD student will be provided by Alla Lemeune, a CNRS researcher, expert in coordination and material chemistry. The project will leverage the laboratory's expertise in porphyrin synthesis [1], preparation of hybrid materials based on phosphonates [2] and photocatalysis [3,4]. The LCH is wellequipped to carry out the proposed project. The laboratory has hoods equipped with argon and nitrogen synthesis lines, four glovebox stations under an argon atmosphere, and two photoreactors for performing reactions under batch and flow conditions. Available equipment also includes two NMR spectrometers, an Xray diffractometer, IR and UVvis spectrometers, a fluorimeter, a GC for common gas analysis, a GC/MS, an HPLC/MS, and instruments for TGA and BET measurements. 1. Shukaev A. V., Ermakova E. V., Fang Y., Kadish K. M., Nefedov S. E., Tafeenko V. A., Michalak J., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune A., Inorg. Chem._ _62(8),
    2023,_ _ ,

/acs.inorgchem.2c Mitrofanov A., Brandès S., Herbst F., Rigolet S., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune A., Beletskaya I., J. Mater. Chem. A 5(24),
2017, ,

/C7TA01195D- 3. Morozkov G. V., Abel A. S., Filatov M.A., Nefedov S. E., Roznyatovsky V. A., Cheprakov A. V., Mitrofanov A. Yu., Ziankou I. S., Averin A. D., Beletskaya I. P., Michalak J., Bucher C., Bonneviot L., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune A., Dalton Trans.

2022, 51, ,

/d3dt02936k.- 4. Morozkov G. V., Abel A. S., Lyssenko K. A., Roznyatovsky V. A., Averin A. D., Beletskaya I. P., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune A. _Ruthenium(II) complexes with phosphonate-substituted phenanthroline ligands as reusable photoredox catalysts._ Dalton Trans., 53(2),_ _
2024, 535-551,


Site web:

Intitulé du doctorat:

  • Doctorat de Chimie
    Pays d'obtention du doctorat:
  • France

Etablissement délivrant le doctorat:

  • ENS de Lyon

Ecole doctorale:

- École Doctorale de chimie (chimie, procédés, environnement)- 30/04/2024